የጨረር Protect ቦርሳ

አጭር መግለጫ:



የምርት ዝርዝር

የምርት መለያዎች

The የጨረር Protect ቦርሳ is the economic methods to deliver lenses,designed with fabricators of high value coated optical components. They are manufactured with white hydroentangled polyester for soft protection. We have following types now. Other size also can be produced.


ፒ / N

መጠን (ውጪ)

መጠን (ውስጣዊ)


30 * 30mm

20 * 20mm (± 3mm)

CPK-P-1 "* 1"

41 * 36 ሚሜ

26 * 26mm (± 3mm)


40 * 45mm

30 * 30mm (± 3mm)


50 * 60 ሚሜ

40 * 40mm (± 3mm)


60 * 75mm

50 * 50mm (± 3mm)


90 * 70 ሚሜ

60 * 60 ሚሜ (± 3mm)


80 * 100mm

70 * 70 ሚሜ (± 3mm)

CPK-P-2 "* 2"

61 * 86mm

51 * 51 ሚሜ (± 3mm)

CPK-P-3 "* 3"

89 * 127mm

77 * 77mm (± 3mm)

CPK-P-3.5 "* 3.5"

99 * 139 ሚሜ

89 * 89 ሚሜ (± 3mm)


135 * 115mm

105 * 105 ሚሜ (± 3mm)

CPK-P-5 "* 5"

157 * 137mm

127 * 127 ሚሜ (± 3mm)

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